Culinary Arts
The Rugby School at Woodfield introduces students to food preparation, safety and sanitation, and encompasses varied aspects of the restaurant business.
Distance Learning
The Rugby School at Woodfield provides students opportunities to participate in workshops and learning experiences from around the world.
English Language Arts
The Rugby School at Woodfield expands students' writing, reading and critical thinking skills.
Physical Education & Health
Our Physical Education program focuses on non-competitive learning to enhance the life skills of our students. They participate in team building, healthy living skills and overall emphasis on self-worth.
The Science program emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning starting in Elementary through High School. Students are encouraged to explore their world through the various Sciences.
Social Studies & History
The Social Studies/History curriculum covers all aspects of grade appropriate content, while the students are learning how to make meaningful connections to themselves and the world around them.
Visual and Performing Arts
The Rugby School at Woodfield is dedicated to creating an environment where students have opportunities to experience fine and performing arts.
World Language
The Rugby School at Woodfield offers Spanish instruction for all levels of knowledge. Our Elementary and Middle School students are exposed to the language and cultural aspects of the language. High School students are offered Spanish I through Spanish IV.